Thursday, April 27, 2006

Don't replan the Plan!

Saturday, April 22, 2006


PS : I know that I have misused the word Framework! ;-)

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Google Calendar Launched!

Google has finally rolled out its much awaited calendar application which has already created lot of buzz and hype in the media!
It has got an Awesome User Interface, Looks great and also Works great! check it out here.

Screenshots below show both google and yahoo calendars!, Google Rulez!

Yahoo! Calendar.

Google Calendar.

Long weekend...

This is going to be a long post[literally due to its graphic nature ;) ]... I have not written for whole of past week... Had to write this entry for two reasons

  1. Since the long weekend ends...
  2. This is the one of those very few weekends where i have just lazed around...
This long weekend consisting 4 days of utter turmoil was a result of the following equation!
Could not roam around on thursday because of the first element of the equation. Somehow did not feel like going out the other 3 days also... Attended my Carnatic Vocal classes as usual on Saturday and Sunday.

The only productive work i did during these 4 days is shown below...

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Powered by GNU!

GNU Powered!

Work is...

You thought it was worship huh?

Friday, April 07, 2006

The Saga of one of the most tricky problems that i have faced in Java Swing/JFC!

I got a CR(Change Request) to fix this problem on 23rd February and i completed the task on 6th April!!! Though i have not worked on this for all of these days, since i have been working on other things in between, statistics say that i have spent at least 8 days on this!

The behavior of the table shown in the images above had to be changed such that the value of checkbox should be updated only when the user explicitly clicks on the checkbox, but the behavior it had was that it would change the value of the checkbox just by clicking anywhere on the column containing the checkbox, now that was a problem since it would change the value of checkbox even if the user clicked on the column just to select that particular row!

For solving this, i had to write a special table cell renderer and editor after adding which a new problem was created! Whenever the user clicked on a checkbox, the table would go into editing mode and would never come back to normal mode, thereby disallowing selection of any other rows in the table!

Finally fixed this by figuring out that the table was dumb enough and i had to send a notification to it and programmatically stop the editing!

This is probably the most trickiest fix i have done in Java Swing/JFC till date!

The problem with User Interfaces is that the more they are easier to use, the more they are tougher to develop!

Microsoft plans to share Something! They learn't late, Better late than Never!

Microsoft has plans to launch a site to share the activities of its internal Linux laboratories, an effort to sample feedback from customers who combine Microsoft and open-source software, and more of an effort to take feedback from the community which they have neither mentioned nor would they want to :p.

Read a related article here.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Marc Fleury

Marc Fleury, the CEO of JBoss, is definitely The Bad Boy of Open Soucre!

Read the complete article here.

Steve Jobs' Best Quotes Ever

This article was sent to me by one of my friends named Rick Banerjee, and it contains the best ever quotes by Apple co-founder Steve Jobs. I have mentioned some of them below, read the remaining quotes here.

"Innovation has nothing to do with how many R&D dollars you have. When Apple came up with the Mac, IBM was spending at least 100 times more on R&D. It's not about money. It's about the people you have, how you're led, and how much you get it."
-- Fortune, Nov. 9, 1998

"It's really hard to design products by focus groups. A lot of times, people don't know what they want until you show it to them."
-- BusinessWeek, May 25 1998

"Apple has some tremendous assets, but I believe without some attention, the company could, could, could -- I'm searching for the right word -- could, could die."
-- On his return as interim CEO, in Time, Aug. 18, 1997

"It's rare that you see an artist in his 30s or 40s able to really contribute something amazing."
-- At age 29, in Playboy, February 1985

Sunday, April 02, 2006


From the ultraslim, futuristic exterior to the digital camera inside, Liteon’s “The Frame” will hold you dumbfound. “Natural Zoom”, basically a frame-like viewfinder that allows users to take perfect snapshots at the push of a button and “Natural Thumb” — swing your hand from left to right for easy photo playback are the only supported modes (yeah only 2 of them... it's just that simple and natural). Find more info here.

From the article: “The Frame is an extremely simple and easy-to-use camera, no matter whether the user is 70 or 7 years old. The Frame has two main concepts to make photo taking and photo playback intuitive and natural”

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Photos from my "Sacred Thread Ceremony"

Click here for more.


Want an encyclopedia on your iPod? try this. If you have 800MB to spare in your iPod, you can install this snapshot of Wikipedia built for the iPod! Neat.

Unbeleivably Mice!

Just came across this article... These are some awesome mice rattling around ;-) Given below is my personal favorite among them.

Can you carry 64Gigs of Data on a Keychain?

Yes it can! But only if you have this special keychain ;) If you are gadget - savvy enough to buy it, here it is. It’s incredibly small, and of course, incredibly expensive... i would of course wait a month or two before even thinking of buying it.