Saturday, January 28, 2006

Still wondering How to choose a Desktop Linux Distro?

Read a nice article on Desktop Linux Distros just now, its already 4:30AM, woke up half an hour ago to have a glass of water and will be probably awake for some more time... given below is a small excerpt from the article on DesktopLinux.


Probably everyone who reads -- and certainly yours truly -- encounters the same question over and over again: "What's the best Linux desktop distribution?" Now, while some people will swear up and down that Slackware or Fedora or even Puppy, for that matter, is the best Linux desktop, I think the answer is more complicated. In fact, I don't think there is a single answer.

I think the best Linux desktop is the one that's best for a particular person based on their needs and level of Linux expertise. So, the next time someone asks you that question, I suggest you reply with a couple of questions of your own.


Read the complete article here.

Everything that can be invented, has been invented. - Charles H. Duell