Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Once upon a time... Ranganath... The philosopher... To Quote or Not to Quote?

Recently surfing around in the net, i found a quote which i wrote a couple of years ago and had submitted to a quote site... Though this quote may not be true in all cases, i sometimes feel i am a philosopher, one who knows many things about nothing ;)

Here's the link for the quote. It's the first one on the page...

I feel the converse of the quote is also true in many cases, but that quote was based on real life experiences in my job...

When i said YOU, i had meant some people and when i said things i had meant a few technologies, but i later realized that it applied to 90% of people and most of the technologies ;)


Nirek said...

good philosphy to start with! write more

Unknown said...

There are lots more... will put them in when i find the context...