Friday, February 10, 2006

FOSS Concept Poster...

Lately i have been working on a couple of concept posters to promote a FOSS(Free and Open Source Software) event, will post the event details and more concept designs later. I completed the image above yesterday late-night or rather today early morning ;-) Was thinking of this concept for a very long time now but was waiting for the right time and event to shoot it in.

The concept of the the poster is simple, GET LIBERATED from the clutches of PROPRIETARY software and hassles of IPR and Micra$haft,

Which can only be achieved by a key called FOSS.

My personal liking in this picture is ofcourse the concept itself, as well as the right handcuff which says "Micra$haft" on top and "PROPRIETARY" at the bottom, both of which look like a metal forging company's embossed wordings (i intentionally made them like that;-) ), also i like the key, it has "FOSS" on it's face, and a tag in the keyring saying "GET LIBERATED"

Risk perception has diverged from risk reality.